Tuesday, October 13, 2020

31 Nights of Halloween: Dinah

Have you ever wondered what sort of person clicks Dislike on YouTube videos that only have a handful of views, fewer likes, and are clearly the heartfelt product of an amateur? I have--and so has writer/director James Williams... as you'll see in this, his second contribution to the 31 Nights of Halloween

"Dinah" is an expertly crafted film, with some fine acting by star Scott E. Brosius; you can feel his fear... and man do you want the angry ghost to give him what-for. This film is also a great example of how horror stories, perhaps more-so than any other genre, keep pace with the forward march of technology. The basic ideas here are as old as ghost stories themselves, but the way they are presented is pure 21st Century.

Dinah (2019)
Starring: Scott E. Brosius and Sofia Plass
Director: James Williams
Rating: Nine of Ten Stars