Monday, October 23, 2017

31 Nights of Halloween: Killer Kart

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the grocery store, it strikes!

Killer Kart (2012)
Starring: Christine Rodriquez, Ray Bouchard, and Ella Shaefer
Director: James Feeney
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

I LOVED this monster movie spoof... but the central ridiculousness also annoyed me slightly, especially at the end. Like many killer dolls (such as the ones featured in so many Charles Band productions), it seems like there's a fairly easy way to defeat a Killer Kart. (Although maybe knocking over a shopping cart isn't as easy as I think it is. If I didn't fear arrest, I'd conduct an experiment or two.)

That said, you should view "Killer Kart" as a cautionary tale and get the Trick-or-Treat candy now. Things may get weirder and weirder as Halloween draws closer...

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