Sunday, October 27, 2019

31 Nights of Halloween: The Whistle 3

During this year's 31 Nights of Halloween, I've brought you the available installments of "The Whistle" series of short films. I thought the first one was creepy, I thought the second one opened up an entire, very interesting world and ended with a thrillingly bewildering twist.

I assumed the third one would continue the threads from the second film, but instead, it's a flashback. It ties into the second entry in the series, but it doesn't really build on anything, nor does it even lay a foundation that any of the other films rest on--except establishing the woods as the place the creature lives. (But then, one wonders, why did it attack the person in the first film?)

Also... did i miss the whistling in this one?

Taken on its own, "The Whistle: Maria" is a well-crafted, moody picture that lovers of gothic horror will enjoy. Taken as part of a series, it's a little lacking. Taken on its own, it's a Seven-star effort, but as part of the series, it only rates a Six.

The Whistle: Maria (aka "The Whistle 3") (2019)
Starring: Vanessa Sacco, Brenda Heilmann, and Marcel Heilmann
Director: Klaus Quirin
Rating: Six of Ten Stars

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