Sunday, October 13, 2019

31 Nights of Halloween: The Whistle, Chapter 2

We led into this year's 31 Nights of Halloween short film celebration with the introduction of a mysterious creature and the even more mysterious whistle that is heard when it is near, in The Whistle. Now, the creature returns in a direct sequel... with the mystery deepeing and the story expanding in many different directions. This saga is one that is worthy of telling in the every-deepinging shadows of October, and Chapter 3 will be found in this space on Sunday, October 27. Be sure come back for it!

The Whiste: Chapter 2 (2018)
Starring: Klaus Quirin, Vanessa Sacco, Laura Welter, and Kai Bost
Director: Klaus Quirin
Rating: Eight of Ten Stars

One particularly noteworthy thing about the first two Whistle films is that they're essentially silent pictures. (Yes, we get some horror movie sound effects, but I think these would be just as spooky if all we had were the visuals and the music.)


  1. It is spooky, but I don't quite get what happened there at the end ?

  2. The victim from the first film has mysteriously reappeared/come back to life. It may be that the creature doesn't kill all its victims, or it may be something else. (I just got around to finally watching Part Three, which I'll post on October 27--if you don't feel like seeking it out on your own. It doesn't really provide any answers to the question, so all we have is my theory. Maybe there's be a Part Four some day? And I'll get to post it in 2020!

    1. Hopefully all together they will make more sense for me!
