Thursday, October 6, 2022

31 Nights of Halloween: Ping

Ping (2021)
Starring: Becca Breitfeller
Director: Josh Breitfeller
Rating: Five of Ten Stars

After her cellphone goes missing, a young woman (Briefeller) tries to locate it by "pinging" it with her smart-watch.

Rebecca Breitfeller in "Ping"

Technically, this is a well-done film. The sound is good, the lighting is great, and the camerawork is excellent. The acting is good and the pacing is spot on. I really like what's here. Before the review continues, perhaps you should watch "Ping" so I don't taint your experience with the negativity (and minor spoilers) that are coming.

What is lacking in "Ping" is a proper set-up. I often comment on the slow-wittedness of horror movie characters, or their complete lack of  survival instinct... but I don't recall encountering a character quite as dim as this one before. Or so she seems, because there isn't a proper set-up for why she behaves in such an inexplicably dumb fashion.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I can assure you that if I was alone in my home and my cellphone mysteriously moved from one part of the house to one I hadn't been in for a while, I wouldn't go looking. No, I'd leave the house and to borrow a neighbor's phone to call the police or a gun-owning friend or two. For most of "Ping", I was swinging back and forth between thinking "this is really well done" and "they didn't think this one through, did then?"

This very technically competent film is undermined by a badly constructed story. It needed to establish why the main character is so calm about her phone seemingly migrating from in front of the TV to a closet in an upstairs bedroom. This could easily have been done with perhaps a bunch of beer cans and liquor bottles around the living room and on the kitchen counter, and the character remarking to herself that she must have blacked out again (or something similar). Or maybe there could have been a minute at the beginning to establish there might be someone else in the house who is an annoying prankster?

This could have been a great little movie with just a bit more story/character development. As it is, it's still worth seeing, but it's not what it could have been.

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