Saturday, October 30, 2021

31 Nights of Halloween: Clown-O-Gram

Tom Peck in "Clown-O-Gram"

Not all clowns are disguised serial killers or supernatural horrors. Just take tonight's 31 Night of Halloween selection as an example. We're changing things up a bit, and we're offering something a little heartwarming--even as the shadows get longer and the monsters in them are getting ready to pounce!

Clown-O-Gram (2016)
Starring: Tom Peck and Ryan Leboeuf
Director: Michael Evans
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars

Oh. It looks like we may have goofed things up. Perhaps we should have watched it all the way to end. On the other hand, it's a good reminded that the season of trick-or-treating is at hand... so nothing is going to be as it seems, and you should always be nice to whoever knocks on your door. But not too nice. And that goes double for Halloween night!

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