Monday, October 25, 2021

31 Nights of Halloween: Where Blood Lies

David Castro and Ben Pendergast in "Where Blood Lies"

In tonight's offering, monsters are hunting monsters. It's the tale of Nazis on the verge of successfully completing their mission of bagging a vampire for study by scientists. It's a nicely mounted little chiller, executed with technical competence on all fronts and performed by nothing but talented actors. It's even one of the several films this year that have left me wanting more, but in a good way: It ended in a satisfyingly enough way, but I wanted the story to continue at least a little bit longer!

Enjoy watching monsters being monstrous in the wilds of Romania!

Where Blood Lies (2019)
Starring: Ben Pendergast, David Castro, Alexa Giuffre, and Jay Brown
Director: Byron Q
Rating: Seven of Ten Stars


  1. Seems like a small part of a bigger film.

    1. I agree. As much as I liked this film, and thought the ending was satisfying enough, I did knock a star off because it could have been stronger. (If I wasn't struggling to keep my comments brief on these films--in keeping with the brevity of the films themselves--I would have mentioned that above. The ending was fine, but it could have carried a bit more punch.)
