Sunday, October 10, 2021

31 Nights of Halloween: End of the Hall

End of the Hall (2021)
Starring: Sofia Ochoa Villagomez
Director: Caden Posse
Rating: Nine of Ten Stars

Laundry day is interrupted by a strange encounter.

 This 31 Nights of Halloween is shaping up to be The Year of I-Want-More-From-This-Film-In-A-Good-Way. So many of the selections that I'm going to be featuring either had me saying to myself "That's it?! Where's the rest of it?! I want a sequel NOAW!" or "What a cool mysterious and unexplained bit of mystery. This is the story of what's happening!" or a mixture of the two. Any work of art that gets my imagination going is one I consider exceptional.

And that brings me to tonight's selection. Upon watching it, a story that I suspect had nothing to do with the filmmaker's intent popped into my head, but it's one I'm going to have to figure out a way to do something with because it made me chuckle.

And that is the highest praise I can give any movie. It sparked my own creativity and desire to tell a story. On top of that, it's extremely well put together technically, with nice use of music, effective lighting, and great framing of shots. The ending is also perfect and a nice change to what so often closes out these nuggets of horror.

Check it out. Let me know what you think of "End of the Hall".

If I am reading references on this filmmakers YouTube page correctly, he is still in his teens... and judging from the command he already displays of the movie-making craft, there are great things to come in the future. I hope he sticks with it and manages to make it his living. I think he'll be bringing me fabulous movies in my old age if he does. 

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